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Goal Achievement and The Butterfly

We’ve all studied butterflies since grade school science class.  They are a fascinating study in transformation as their lives progress from larva to caterpillar to butterfly.


From Grade School Science to Behavioral Science

What can mature adults learn from the butterfly?The butterfly offers us an invaluable lesson in determination, discipline and persistence.  You can put it to use immediately on your most challenging goals.In the words of Zig Ziglar…
 Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.
What the butterfly lacks in aptitude is overcome by an amazing focus on results.

What’s The Goal?

The Flower
The Butterfly’s Goal
This is a simple question for a butterfly to answer.  But somehow people make it more complicated. The essence of goal setting for people is to:
  1. Determine the gap between where you are now and where you have the potential to be.
  2. Focus on doing what it takes to close that gap.
The butterfly’s simple goal is pollination. That involves getting from its current location to its target: the flower.  If you’ve ever watched a butterfly pursue a flower on a windy day, you’d likely conclude that it is really inefficient in getting to its destination: that flower.  Normally, butterflies don’t fly very straight.  Add wind and their task becomes a greater challenge.


If you followed the butterfly’s journey to the flower with time-lapse photography,  you’d be amazed at how efficient the butterfly really is.  Despite an erratic flying style and getting blown off course by the wind, the butterfly stays the course and eventually arrives at the flower and achieves its pollination goal.Buterfly GoalLife has a way of regularly blowing us off course.  If you lack the resolve of the butterfly, you’ll struggle to find your way and find yourself serving the agendas of others instead of your own.

Leadership Lessons

  1. Without prioritized goals, you are left to serve other people’s agendas.  Unless you target a specific flower, you’re navigating without a compass.
  2. Even with clearly defined goals, it’s easy to be blown off course when obstacles appear. Do you, your team, or your organization lose sight of the goal with the first gust of wind?

More from Zig

 “A big shot is nothing more than a little shot who keeps on shooting.”      – Zig Ziglar
Consider the cognitive capacity of the butterfly vs. the brain power of humans. Then consider which has a stronger sense of purpose. Butterflies are inherently determined.  Humans more easily distracted as we have more choices.  How would you rate the quality of your choices?



Flower Photo by Dennis Ramos