Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

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Category: motivation


What Do You Tolerate?

Why Would I be Asking This Question? I was inspired by a colleague from Texas whose keynote speech included this quote from Tom Landry, the

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Too Hard

Truth vs. Candor

What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard


What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard

time management

What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard


What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard

team leadership

What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard

tag line and slogan creation

What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard

Strategic Thinking

What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard

strategic planning

What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard

self limiting beliefs

What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard

self leaderhship

What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard

Self Awareness

What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.
Too Hard


What’s “Too Hard” for You?
We all have our mental barriers. Our limiting beliefs that create the perception that certain tasks are too hard. As long as we harbor those beliefs, they will hold us back from pursuing goals with conviction.