Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

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How fond are your high school memories? How do they compare to your college experience?

High School CliquesFor most of us, the pressures of clique orientated high school social life are happily left behind in favor of the more laid back atmosphere of a college campus.

Then, We Enter The Real World

And in the insightful words of Oscar Winning actress Meryl Streep…

“I thought life would be like college, but it isn’t. Life is like high school.”

Instead of hallways with lockers, we have the water cooler. And we still have the lunch room or cafeteria. In our adult gatherings, we find the perpetuation of pettiness, popularity and gossip.

Sad, But True

As with high schools, cultures and their values vary from one organization to the next. But being associated with all things cool can make you more popular. And being popular with the right people can and will advance your career.

What’s A Leader to Do?

Here’s a few suggestions for establishing a more mature and productive environment.

  • Cross Functional Collaboration: This serves to avoid corporate cliques (a.k.a. silos)
  • Develop your leadership attributes:
  • Focus On Results over Activity and Personal Attributes
  • Be aware of your organization’s perception of “cool”. Then…

Ask The Ultimate Questions

  • Is trying to be cool taking us closer or further away from our most important achievements?
  • How can you make it cool to contribute to your organizations or your departments most important goals?