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The Two Dimensions of Time Management

Time Resource

Business Resource Scarcity: The Top 3

A business leader’s three most scarce resources are:

  1. Time
  2. Money
  3. Talent

Which of these is most scarce for you? When we consider money, we know The Fed is printing money while you’re reading this. There are talented people out there gaining new skills and experience all the time. As for time, we gain an hour at the end of daylight savings, but lose one again every spring. The earth will never stop turning to allow you more time.   Since time is our most scarce resource, I’ll make this brief.

Time Resource

Managing the Two Dimensions of Time



Time Management Calendar

What happens to your energy when you try to gain more time by working into the night?  How does that compromise the quality and quantity of your work? When most of us consider time management, we think in terms of filling out our calendar. But that only addresses the first dimension.  How much of your productivity is potentially squandered by ignoring the energy dimension of time management?

Two Simple Questions

To effectively manage Time’s Two Dimensions, you need concise answers for these two simple yet deep questions.

  1. What’s truly Important for you to get done?
  2. When is the best time to make it happen?

Two Follow Up Questions

  1. How clearly can you answer these?
  2. When you struggle with your clarity with these answers, what happens to your most scarce resource?