Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

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Now there’s a leading question! It’s NOT weather related. Rather, it’s a query that explores where your progress is stalled.  If you really consider your answer, it’s empowering.

I believe that as you improve the questions that you ask yourself, you improve your outcomes. 

When used effectively and routinely, this simple four word question will work wonders for you.  

Beyond Your First Impression

Glass Half Full

When things seem to be going well, my first thought is:

“Stuck?  I’m not stuck.  Life is good.”

I like to think of my glass as half full.  Or at least potentially half full.  And that’s a healthy, productive mindset.  BUT, if you dig deeper, you can always discover the empty part of your “glass” that is worth exploring. 

Positive thinking is good.  But if it can lead you to complacency.  Hence the value of doing a stuck check.  

Stuck SF

What's Your Real Answer?

Life may be ” really good”. But it is rarely, so good that you can’t come up with at least one area where you’re stuck and not moving forward the way you could or should be. It’s more likely that the good things are overshadowing your sticking points.  That’s OK.  We all need to stop and smell the roses at times.  Let’s face it, life is never that easy.  But if we ever want to get unstuck, you can’t continue…

Sweeping Things Under The Rug

Since we all naturally seek to avoid uncomfortable, unpleasant tasks and situations, allow me to ask again:

Where are you stuck?

If you’ve repeatedly swept your answer under the rug by avoiding it, your day of reckoning will eventually arrive.  And that day will be worse than if you had taken a proactive approach to getting unstuck.

Sweeping Broom

An Ounce of Prevention: The 3 A's

Just as we all should occasionally stop and smell the roses, we should also routinely:

  1. Ask yourself: Where have my achievement efforts stalled?
  2. Answer the question honestly
  3. Address this empowering question with a commitment to taking positive action steps. 

The 4th “A”:  Accountability

How much more would you get done if you  had someone who asked, insisted on quality answers and helped you commit to addressing them?  Who do you have in your world that could hold you accountable?

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