Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

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Why We Need a LOT of Thanksgiving in 2020

As I’m writing the title for this post, my thoughts turned a popular, uplifting Christmas song We Need a Little Christmas. (from the Broadway musical Mame).  

I don’t wish to diminish Christmas spirit.  But since it’s November of 2020, let’s not get look too far ahead. This is an opportunity to leverage the potential therapeutic value of Thanksgiving.  I believe we need more than a little Thanksgiving this year. We need a LOT of Thanksgiving.  This stems from my discovery that…

Resiliency is a By-Product of Gratitude

Without warning, the events of 2020 challenged our resiliency.  We’ve all temporarily lost much of life that we took for granted.  Then we discovered the temporary conditions would longer than expected to go away.  This required us to summon even more resiliency.  The challenge intensified.

How do we get more resiliency? 

Resiliency is not something you can order on Amazon.  You need to order it up from inside yourself.  


“Quickly recovering from adversity.”

The best way to develop more resiliency is to embrace an attitude of gratitude.  It’s all too easy to focus, lament and complain about all that’s missing this year.  The more you do so, the less resilient, you’ll be. When you lack resiliency, you limit your ability to recover from the adversity and thereby put your mental well being at risk.  

To help you get started, how about… 

Taking Inventory

What Are You Grateful For?

So through all that’s happened …

  • What do you still have? 
  • What’s not missing?
  • Who are the important people in your life that aren’t missing? 
  • Who are the people who are no longer in your life that you were privileged  to know? 

To help with the last two questions, I am maintaining my Thanksgiving Tradition of sharing Life on The Train.  In doing so, I challenge you to become a more grateful person. It will help you find much needed resilience and make you easier to live and work with.

We all need a lot of Thanksgiving this year!

I wish you and your passengers the very best of the season. I feel honored and blessed to have ridden, however briefly, on your train.


Happy Thanksgiving