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Your Bridge to Discovery

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A Maestro’s Breakthrough Discovery

Empowerment in Action

Benjamin Zander is the conductor of The Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and a guest conductor around the world. In the two-minute video below, he shares his most important professional discovery. It’s a concept that all of us can apply to inspire the thoughts and actions of others.

Warning: To make this work for you, you first have to stop trying to take yourself too seriously.  If you observe Ben Zander in action, you can learn from a master.


To repeat the video’s two closing questions:

  • Who are you being…?
  • What do the eyes look like around you?

The Breakthrough Discovery

While it’s best to hear Ben say it, the epiphany that transformed his outlook on his role as an orchestra conductor is simply:

“The conductor of an orchestra is the only member that doesn’t make a sound.”

“He depends, for his power, on his ability to make other people powerful.”

He further describes his discovery: “My job is to awaken possibility in other people.”

Is Your Job Different?

Isn’t a leader’s effectiveness dependent on the “ability to make other people powerful”? If you could become a master at awakening possibility in others, how much more could you achieve?

How Do You Measure It?

How do you know if you’re successfully awaking others? Ben advises that you “look at their eyes”.

“If their eyes are shining, you know you’re doing it!”

And as you’re able to instill shining eyes with those you lead, imagine the tangible measurable results that will ensue.  

What If You’re Not Doing It?

Ben believes that

Success is about how many shining eyes I have around me”.

So he has learned to ask himself:

“Who am I being that my players eyes are not shining?” 

What a powerful question!

The question captures the essence of a leaders personal accountability while avoiding the trap of playing the blame game.  

How can you start to put this power to use?

More From Ben Zander

In the Ted Talks video below, you can experience the effervescent conductor for 20 minutes of inspiring discussion of music and his discovery. It concludes with another lesson that forever changed his behavior. “I will never say anything that couldn’t stand as the last thing I ever said.”

Inspirational Leadership Personified

As business leaders, we have some advantages over orchestra conductors. Our visions and goals are more tangible and measurable than the performance of a musical score. Does that mean that shining eyes are any less important to their achievement?

Observe Ben Zander as he communicates his vision and empowers his performers to achieve it without ever exercising his authority. Then ask yourself:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would I rate my ability and desire to make other people powerful?
  • To what degree am I taking yourself too seriously? How has that prevented me from inspiring the people in my life at work and at home?
  • Who are I being that prevents others’ eyes from shining? What kind of person do I need to become?

To build your reputation as an inspirational leader, you must become a person capable of instilling shining eyes.

Still More

Watch and learn as Ben leads a group to find new purpose in tTe Happy Birthday Song.

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