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Celebrate Your Ignorance

Happy New Year

Last month’s Great Lakes Entrepreneur Bash event titled How They Did It assembled a diverse, business savvy panel that shared numerous nuggets of knowledge. The panel discussion included seven highly successful entrepreneurs whose stories are featured in the new book How They Did It: Billion Dollar Insights from the Heart of America. The book’s author, Robert Jordan, served as moderator. Among the insightful panelist comments was an observation from Vince Pettinelli, (right). Vince is the chairman of PeopleServe Inc., a professionally managed company that provides heath care services and employment opportunities to more than 3,200 individuals with disabilities in thirteen states. He eloquently shared one of his executive epiphanies that he reduced to three words. “Celebrate your ignorance.”

Vince Pettinelli
Happy New Year

Why Celebrate Your Ignorance?

Vince explained how this breakthrough thinking enabled him to change the way he viewed his role as the all-knowing manager and become more of a leader. He shared how his management team was populated by people much like himself in terms of style, skills and knowledge base. Once he learned to celebrate his ignorance, he was liberated to recruit people with talents and knowledge that exceed his own. He understood the potential futility of attempting to be the smartest person the organization.

What About You?

It is possible that you’ve allowed your ego to get in the way of improving your ability to delegate? Have you been attempting to perform tasks or make decisions when others would be more qualified? How might your business benefit if you were to effectively find new ways to celebrate your ignorance?


One Response

  1. Hello Tom, Your article is thought provoking. Caused me to wonder how many blind spots do I really have? How do I discover what they are? And then what about my ego? Education Briefings & Brainstorms is creatively unique consistent with Lemanski unique creativity. You are the best. Thank you for sharing.
    Regards, George

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