I believe that to survive and potentially thrive through our current challenges, we will all need to enhance our emotional intelligence. This is a marathon. Not a sprint. We’ll all need to get better at being human.
To support these beliefs, allow me to introduce my newest coping creation…
FUD is an acronym for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. To help you enhance your Emotional Intelligence, I’ve created the FUD-O-Meter to illustrate the concept. It’s a conceptual tool you can use to self evaluate your level of emotional intelligence.
Have you had experienced any feelings of fear, anxiety or doubt lately? Of course. This a FREAKING PANDEMIC! An experience unique in our lifetime!
Sorry! I will now work to set a better example of higher emotional intelligence.
Some potentially more useful questions for when your FUD-O-Meter spikes:
In a state of high emotion, rational thinking takes a back seat. If you’re unaware that you’ve put your emotions in charge, what irrational things might you do?
We’ve heard about excessive purchases of both toilet paper and guns. How rational are these decisions? To what extent have you allowed yourself to get sucked in to the emotional frenzy?
The FUD-O-Meter is a conceptual device for measuring your level of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
Inspired by both my Cub fandom in the 80’s Shawn-o-Meter) and our global crisis.
Whether you’ve heard this one or not. Here’s a timely reminder of what happens with FEAR.
When humans are fearful, our thoughts tend to imagine the worst case scenario in vivid detail, internalize it, believe it and act on it. To minimize the potential emotional damage, here are two questions to ponder.
I grant that we’ve seen some serious scenarios playing out globally. And we need rational thinking to realistically cope and and proactively plan. What is all that FUD really doing for your health and well-being? And to that of others close to you?
Consider the tagline from the classic film The Shawshank Redemption.
“Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.”
If you think about it (as I hope you will), this choice is ours. Choosing is more challenging in a crisis. As you’re more emotionally intelligent, your choice is more apparent.
But have you seen those giant, three-block-long toilet paper plants up in Green Bay? How realistic is it to believe that we’ll run out?
As for buying guns, has violence and looting happened in Italy or China? Won’t most people be too sick to come and rob the supplies you’ve hoarded? And with nearly no one on the roads, how would looters expect to safely get away?
Rational Self Regulation is extremely challenging when your FUD-O-Meter is running hot. If you are unaware of how much your emotionally charged state can defeat your purpose, you are doomed to behave irrationally. So Self Awareness of your emotional state is the prerequisite for self regulating.
My advise:
Choose wisely. We’re all relying on you to be part of our global solution. Your level of emotional intelligence matters.
As you cope with isolation and other challenges of Pandemic Proportions:
Tom Lemanski helps accomplished leaders unlock potential, solve complex challenges, and amplify their impact.
Effective leadership is the key to driving meaningful, lasting success in a fast-changing world.
Tom’s focus on innovative strategies and self-awareness creates transformative results for leaders striving for the next level.
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“Power today comes from sharing information, not from withholding it.'” – Keith Ferrazzi