Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

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Feedback: Breakfast of Champions

I believe that candid, productive feedback IS The Breakfast of Champions. So I recommend that you both seek it for yourself and serve it to others.

In the words of Swedish Psychologist Anders Ericson

“If you don’t know how you’re doing, you won’t know what to improve.”

I recently attended a presentation by Craig Wortmann at Chicago’s bustling 1871 Center . Craig is the Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.  His presentation included a simple, four-step feedback model that you can put to use immediately.   This process is gaining popularity at Chicago Booth to point that some call it…

Feedback- Wheaties Box

"The Booth Feedback Model"

In the model illustration, a one-on-one feedback discussion includes four steps.

You can use it to discuss a recent event or endeavor. It includes two questions and two suggestions.  The steps are ordered in sequence 1 through 4.

Intent vs. Technique

As with any discussion model, “intent is more important than technique, but technique is still important” *.  So when discussing feedback, your tone should demonstrate your genuine desire to help or develop the other person.  You’ve then done your part to assure the feedback is taken in the spirit it is intended.

If you use this tool properly, you can provide the other person with as many as four improvement ideas and a better chance that they will be put to use.


What is one thing that you believe you did well?


What’s one thing that you believe you
could do better next time?


Here’s one thing I thought you did well.


Here’s one thing I believe you could do
better the next time.

Your Feedback

As always I welcome your constructive comments that address what I did well and could do better in the future.


* Intention quote from the book on consultative selling: Let’s Get Real or Let’s Not Play by Mahan Khalsa and Randy Illig

** The quote: “Feedback is the breakfast of champions” comes from Ken Blanchard