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A Lesson in Asking and Listening from Ted Lasso

Dart Board

Asking questions and actively listening to the answers is a valuable communication skill that can help us understand others better, build stronger relationships, and even improve our own decision making.

A Different Kind of "Ted Talk"

Set in an English Pub

To illustrate this point, enjoy this lesson from Ted Lasso, the popular Apple TV+ show. In one episode, Ted (played by Jason Sudeikis) demonstrates the consequences of being more judgmental than curious as he baits his boss’s demeaning ex-husband into a high stakes game of darts in a local pub..

In an act that Ted labeled White Knighting, our hero not only defeats his arrogant, overconfident adversary in darts but proceeds to school Rupert on how his rush to judgement and lack of curiosity led to his dramatic defeat.

Dart Board
This Ted Lasso Darts Scene is rated PG for potently offensive language.

Beyond Better Decision Making

The other lesson shared by by Ted relates to emotional intelligence.    

“When I realized that their underestimating me, who I was had nothing to do with it.” 

With the understanding that judgements without curiosity, had nothing to do with him, Ted was able to respond instead of reacting in the face of other people’s judgements.  He was able to recognize Rupert’s uninformed judgements and avoid being triggered by negative emotions. 

Questions for You

Are You Asking Enough Questions Before Judging and making decisions?

Are you actively listening with the intent to understand?

To what extent do you allow yourself to be diminished by the uninformed judgements of others?

Revisiting the 5th Habit

The Habit of Empathic Communication

“Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.”

The 7 Habits should be on every leader’s bookshelf.  After you’ve read it and internalized it, of course. 

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