Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

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Bad Hair Days and Big Opportunities: Overcoming Video Communication Fears

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What's the Value of Video Communication?

Let’s assume that Fred R. Barnard was right when he said:

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Yes, and…

As a leader in 2025, what’s missing from your communication picture?

More than 1,000 Words?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth? I believe that Video Communication is “the next best thing to being there” in person.  Better than a text, or an email or a phone call. 

Video Leadership Communication…  

  • allows you to add enhanced verbal communication via intonation, inflection, and timing.  
  • allows for non-verbal communication with facial expressions, body language, and gestures.  
  • enables your personality to come through
  • is proven to be more effective

As a leader, why don’t you use this media more often and more effectively?  Here are some ideas.

Obstacles to Adoption

I believe it’s about your limiting beliefs.  What excuses do you have for not adapting to use video to share your ideas with your team or organization?

Here are a few.  Which excuses resonate with you?

  • My presentation has to be perfect
  • I don’t have time
  • I’m having a bad hair day
  • I’m not prepared
  • I get nervous and uncomfortable when a camera is rolling
  • This is going  on my permanent record
  • People will judge me negatively
  • I don’t know how to operate a video camera

I have personally addressed and conquered the list above and am ready to…


Just Do It!

And so I have: 

  • Printed the list of excuses from above
  • Started a Zoom Meeting
  • Pressed the record button
  • Talked about each

it was:

  • One take  
  • Unrehearsed. 
  • Authentic
  • Good enough

If I can do this, why can’t you? 

What’s the most important idea that you want to share with your team?

Get over your limiting beliefs that no longer serve you as a leader. Be authentic. Open your app. Press the record button.  Just do it!  The more you do, the better you will get. 

What do you think?

What else might be holding you back?  Feel free to share below.

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3 Responses

  1. Tom, Great work. What I like most is that you just put it right out there. I saw it as an important challenge for personal growth. So what, if it’s not perfect. People will admire the courage it takes to do it. Well done. Thanks

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