While it should be transparent to most readers, all previous SMART Leadership postings from Blogspot and WordPress.com have moved here to this site. For our RSS subscribers, I apologize while promising this is the final move.
If you’re keeping score at home, the url is now: https://chicagoexecutivecoaching.com/smartleadership
With the WordPress.org platform we have more options for widgets and for look and feel. However, I must confess that the real motive is improving our SEO. Thanks to the folks at Hubspot.com for their insight and consultation. In return, I’ll plug their free WebSiteGrader service for evaluating the Google friendliness of your website. A very insightful tool.
Tom Lemanski helps accomplished leaders unlock potential, solve complex challenges, and amplify their impact.
Effective leadership is the key to driving meaningful, lasting success in a fast-changing world.
Tom’s focus on innovative strategies and self-awareness creates transformative results for leaders striving for the next level.
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“Power today comes from sharing information, not from withholding it.'” – Keith Ferrazzi