Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

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This Year's Final Window of Opportunity

Summer vacations are complete.  Labor Day weekend has passed.  

Thanksgiving is 12 short weeks away.

Football season is upon us. Some will spend leisure time watching the NFL.  There is a different interpretation of NFL acronym: 

Not For Long

It can help you gain an appreciation for the open window of opportunity for making the most of this year.  It’s open now but not for long. 

Consider when and how it will close with the arrival of…

Window of Opportunity

Window of Opportunity for Peak Productivity 

Sugar Plums

The Sugar Plum Factor

Once Thanksgiving arrives, we have to deal with The Sugar Plum Factor. That’s the time when visions of sugar plums begin to dance in the heads of both you an your followers.

Holiday activities begin steal our mind-share.  Work/life balance tends to shift toward life.

When it comes to achieving our goals for the rest of this year, there is window of opportunity open now. Peak Productivity Season is upon us.  Now.

Time to Light Your Fire!

“The time for hesitation’s through
No time to wallow in the mire
Darling we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre”

~ Jim Morrison and The Doors

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What would you love to accomplish yet this year?  

Are you willing to let it die?

What will you do to seize your chance to make the most of productivity season?

4th qtr cal

What are your calendar “must dos” for the next 12 weeks?


Window outline image from e-Dina Photo Art