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Tom Lemanski Featured on Money for Lunch

Money For Lunch

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Money for LunchThanks to Bert Martinez for having me as a guest on his Blog Talk Radio Show Money for Lunch.Use this link or the photo to listen as we discuss the need to develop soft skills like delegation, communication, time management and decision making.My segment is 30 minutes in.  So you can skip past Jason Drohn to get to Tom Lemanski and then stay tuned for Marshall Goldsmith. So there it is.  Tom Lemanski and Marshall Goldsmith mentioned in the same sentence.  And featured on the same show.  That’s close to a bucket list event for me.

Tough Act to Follow?

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1401301304&Format= SL110 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=chicaexecuc0b 20ir?t=chicaexecuc0b 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1401301304As an executive coach that aspires to become preeminent in my profession, I’ve long admired Marshall and consider him the gold standard. Since we met years ago, I’ve been an avid follower, reader, consumer and user of his wisdom.  He encourages others to copy and share his concepts.  And I so have.Do you suppose that Marshall Goldsmith is saying “That Tom Lemanski is a really tough act to follow?”  OK, perhaps not.  Actually, I am honored to share the show with Marshall Goldsmith and happy I didn’t have to follow him.  Both our segments should serve to leave the listeners in a better place with potentially valuable, actionable ideas.