Last winter, my ski vacation travels brought me to the US – Canadian border at a quiet, remote location where northern Idaho meets southern British Columbia. We were attempting to return to US soil. While stopped at the border, the US Customs agent took our passports and asked about our professions. I instinctively gave her my usual two-word description:
The woman with the badge was instantly befuddled.
Now I’m getting worried that my answer might delay our crossing, I quickly clarified with a word that I normally avoid;
To my relief, it worked! With that clarity, a search of our luggage and the surrender of an orange that we had in the car, we were cleared to return to the land of the free and the home of “consultants“.
Now I’m free to ponder how I should answer the popular introductory question…
There are a few clever answers to this question.
These might be good for starting a discussion. They mostly change the subject. If you have a potentially unppopular profession like IRS auditor these might work in your favor.
For those people who don’t live near the wilderness of the Idaho/British Columbia border who might want to understand more about Executive Coaching, allow me to share some situations where someone like me is needed, wanted and valued.
If you either experience or witness any of these ten scenarios, I hope that you will think of me. That’s more than we can say about that border guard.
If any of these 10 Reasons struck a chord with you, consider connecting with me. I’d be honored to discuss your situation and how we might collaborate to improve it.
If you’re simply wondering where I went to ski in British Columbia, it was a really cool place called Fernie Alpine Resort that very few Americans have discovered. It’s off the beaten path for those who travel by air.
Tom Lemanski helps accomplished leaders unlock potential, solve complex challenges, and amplify their impact.
Effective leadership is the key to driving meaningful, lasting success in a fast-changing world.
Tom’s focus on innovative strategies and self-awareness creates transformative results for leaders striving for the next level.
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“Power today comes from sharing information, not from withholding it.'” – Keith Ferrazzi
One Response
Thanks for sharing, Tom. I totally agree with your perspective here. I read another article recently on https://www.executiv.co that had a complimentary perspective, looking at some parallels between leadership and executive coaching. You can check it out here –>