Here in Chicago, we’re still trying to play down the global brand of the gangster city perpetrated by Al Capone in the 1920s and 30s. In the 90’s, we made some progress as global sport fans were polarized by Michael Jordan and his Chicago Bulls.
Now in 2011, Chicago’s image may be poised for another global PR boost. Michael Jordan’s old team is now led by a humble but talented 22 year old Chicago native, Derrick Rose. While it remains to be seen the extent that Mr. Rose can build on Michael Jordan’s legacy, this young man has already provided us with an inspiring lesson in both self leadership and formal leadership.
Most business people are familiar with Jim Collins’ best selling book Good To Great that documented the common elements of 11 companies who did so in spectacular fashion. Before Good To Great, Jim Collins authored Built To Last that examined companies that were great from the start. One common “Built To Last” characteristic is a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal or “BHAG”. And so it is with Derrick Rose who used a BHAG to drive his personal transformation from good to great.
As 2010-11 season began pro basketball was haunted by the media circus I called the “King James “Queen For A Day” Pageant. At the Chicago Bulls annual pre-season press conference, Derrick Rose was asked about his goals for the season. His reply was considered by most as an over ambitious and unrealistic. Here was a 6 foot 3 inch, tall 22 year old athlete playing a giant man’s sport asking “Why can’t I…?” There were numerous reasons in the minds of the experts.
At the time, the press conference remarks were mostly dismissed as those of an overoptimistic kid. Top 10 player status seemed obtainable. But the best in the league? Not likely. No player that young had ever won pro basketball’s MVP award. The fact that no one really believed him did not matter near as much as the fact that Rose deeply believed it himself. And therein lies the lesson for us all as that optimistic kid became “the man”. In winning the 2011 MVP award, Rose is youngest player to win the honor. His team was “believed” by most to be the 4th or 5th best in the league. Rose led them to the league’s best record.
While he is not likely a Jim Collins follower, Rose has a strong support system that helps him to understand that good is the enemy of great. And in the words of Henry Ford, “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.”
Have you ever worked in an organization where everyone believed the goals were unattainable? How did that affect your ability to pursue them? While it may sound trite, you gotta believe.
Is there a BHAG that you could pursue that challenges your ability to believe that it’s possible? What is it? Is it committed to writing? Might you muster some inspiration from the achievement of this 22 year old BHAG achiever? He asked the question and answered with an unwavering belief that there was NO reason why not. Why can’t you?
Your Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal is only attainable if you believe it. If you seek more inspiration, consider the words of Napoleon Hill from Law of Success. Consider the lofty trophy in your life. Then formulate your own version of Derrick Rose’s question and fill in the blank: Why can’t I ____________?
Tom Lemanski helps accomplished leaders unlock potential, solve complex challenges, and amplify their impact.
Effective leadership is the key to driving meaningful, lasting success in a fast-changing world.
Tom’s focus on innovative strategies and self-awareness creates transformative results for leaders striving for the next level.
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