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Working Virtually: A Double Edged Sword

Double Edged Sword

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Double Edged Sword

A Double Edged Sword

Working virtually, away from a bustling office, can be liberating.
  • You eliminate unproductive commuting
  • Enhance work-life balance
  • Minimize distractions
  • Produce great work
  • You’re semi-sheltered office politics
Even your pets are happier.

Where is the Love?

However, when it comes to consideration for your next promotion:
Visual absence does NOT make hearts grow fonder. 
Here’s a news flash: getting promoted is all-too-often more about politics than quality of work. You may be doing wonderful work in your secluded world.  But if the important influencers in your organization are unaware, your upward mobility can stall.

Have You Become a Fallen Tree?

Fallen TreeWhen a tree falls in the forest, is there a noise? 

The modern day, virtual worker version might be restated: when an achievement occurs outside the office does anyone notice?   Your virtual workplace is like the forest.  There is no one around to notice.  Progress and achievements can easily go unnoticed beyond your inner circle.If your inner circle knows that you’re a rock star at your job, isn’t that enough?  Rock stars gained their status from the mass appeal of their performances.  Members of their inner circles became fans (short for fanatics) who shared their enthusiasm.The larger your organization, the less quality of their work.
It’s not about who you know: it’s about who knows you.

Who Are Your Advocates?

Who are the people up the corporate food chain who believe in your potential to put in a strong word for you? Who are your centers of influence who will recommend you when they recognize a need for your talent and expertise?If you can’t clearly answer these career building questions, you really need to figure it out.  If you struggle with this, ask Who might I seek out to become my mentor?  A strong mentor can be an invaluable asset in helping you to navigate executive suite politics and help prevent your career from stalling.

What Time is It?

If you lack advocates or a strong mentor, it’s time you stepped out of your virtual office for some strategic face time with people who can help to pave your career path.  If you believe that you can believe you can build an effective mentor-mentee relationship via email, think again.  Remember: a career is a terrible thing to waste.  You need to invest in developing your network with face-to-face communication.  If not, you risk being passed over in favor of those who do.
