Until you are aware of the number’s significance, it’s nothing special. It can only have value for you when you understand the simple math behind it.
168 is the product of 24 x 7
It’s the finite number of hours in your week. How can your awareness of 168 help to guide your actions and decisions?
For 50 weeks of the year, each of us has 168 hours to work with. There are the two daylight savings time weeks of 167 and 169 that even out each year.
Our time is the scarcest of resources. Unlike money (the Fed is printing more as you read this), it is impossible to make your 168 hour pie any larger.
Imagine if you took the 168 hours of your week and created a pie chart with your normal activities. What would it look like?
Most of us have consistent daily activities that take up over 40% of our allotted time.
How can you make the most of what is left?
In today’s lean influenced, information age, few of us can have realistic hopes of ever seeing an empty in-box; either virtually or physically. To maintain your sanity, you need clear and consistent priorities. This comes from having clear prioritized personal and professional goals.
Thanks to Harry M. Kraemer for his presentation on Values & Leadership where he shared this number.
Professor Kraemer has published two notable books shown here.
Tom Lemanski helps accomplished leaders unlock potential, solve complex challenges, and amplify their impact.
Effective leadership is the key to driving meaningful, lasting success in a fast-changing world.
Tom’s focus on innovative strategies and self-awareness creates transformative results for leaders striving for the next level.
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