Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

Leadership Breakthroughs icon

Finding Followers

A leader without followers is like a car without an engine. This music festival video gives us a real-life example of how a dancing “nut” transformed into the leader of a movement. But it had no chance to become a movement until he gained his first follower.

Dance LeaderLeadership Lessons Learned

To recap and enhance the video:
  • Nurture your first few followers as equals
  • Be public and easy to follow
  • Leadership is over-glorified
  • Follower-ship is under appreciated
  • It was the first follower who transformed a lone nut into a leader. Without that first follower, there would be no movement.
  • The best way to make a movement is to courageously follow as an example for others
  • Leadership can not be an exclusive club

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way

Have you ever seen potentially valuable ideas fail from for a lack of followers? What role did you play (or fail to play)?How well do you play the role of follower?How would your rate your skills at gaining followers?