Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

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Revisiting: Just Because You CAN Doesn’t Mean You SHOULD

Rule Book

After Further Review

In January of 2014 I published Just Because You CAN Doesn’t Mean You SHOULD on this site. It’s a phrase I’ve had a lot of fun with. So, that post took a light approach. Now that I’m four years older and presumably wiser, I’ve discovered the depth of these 8 simple words. I’m compelled to share more insight into this simple phrase. You can apply this to the decisions that you make. And to guide the folks you lead in making theirs.

Can vs. Should

What’s really in play when you or others choose these words?


The words “can” and “can’t” imply that rules, guidelines or limitations exist.

Rule Book
Scales of Should


The words “should” and shouldn’t are about values.  Their use requires a judgement about what’s right or wrong.

So, this post is not about whether you can or should use either of these two words. It is about becoming more aware of their use. As you notice when you and others say them, you gain more insight into what is driving decision making.

Your Culture and/or Environment

As you listen with the intent to notice the use of these four words: Can, can’t, should and shouldn’t

  • Which do you hear more often?
  • Which to you say more often?
  • Which words are more conducive for effective decisions?
  • Which are more conducive for an atmosphere of high integrity?


Are your surroundings more rules orientated or more driven by values and beliefs?

A Resource

I really should give credit where it’s due.  My can/should insight came from Dov Seidman’s book HOW: Why How we do anything means everything.  If you’re seeking to learn about how to differentiate your company with your culture, it’s a must read.


Should my approach to these creations be more or less light-hearted and humorous?  It depends.  Stay tuned.