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Just Because You CAN Doesn’t Mean You SHOULD

What Was I Thinking?

"Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should"

It’s one of my favorite sayings. It applies to a myriad of situations.

My Dirty Dozen Can/Should Examples

I’ve listed some examples of things (with links to situations and lessons learned the hard way.

  • Why Am I Tweeting?
    Posting emotional reactions on social media
  • Posting ______________ (fill in the blank) on social media
  • Acting on the belief that social media is the best way to market. (more)
  • Sending emotionally charged email responses at work and BCC-ing the wrong people (guilty)
  • Eating that extra ______________
  • Hitting the snooze alarm
  • Telling uninterested people how wonderful you are
  • Telling uninterested people how wonderful your products or services are (more)
  • Wearing excessive amounts of fragrance
  • Yelling “fire” in a crowded theater
  • Telling off the boss then quitting your job without a backup plan
  • Creating a prime time TV event to announce your NBA free agency decision (more)

Feel free to use the comment box below to share your favorites.


Why AM I Tweeting?

All of these apply to ill conceived actions with flawed intentions.  Unfiltered or knee jerk reactions that defeat your purpose.  As humans, we all have our: shouldn’t have – but did it anyway moments.  How can we have them less often?

What Was I Thinking?

Avoiding Those “What was I thinking?” Moments

When we have “What was I thinking?” moments, it’s probably because we weren’t – thinking.  They are typically unfiltered knee jerk reactions.  To avoid these in the future, be aware of their two most common causes.

1. Lack of Emotional Intelligence and Awareness

As humans, we are more than capable of being “overcome by our emotions”.  While fear and anger are most easily recognizable, there’s a range of others that can trigger reactions that we later regret.

2. Lack of Purpose

It’s easier to take actions that defeat your purpose if you’re not clear about your purpose.  When you lack prioritized goals, you’re more likely to behave like a loose cannon on the deck of a rocking ship.

WARNING: Loose Cannon  – Do Not Rock The Boat

The Reverse

“Just because you SHOULD doesn’t mean you CAN.”

This happens when you lack the skill, confidence and/or courage to do what you know needs doing.  As this persists, you can generate a new wave of emotionally charged decisions.


Image Credits

  • Cannon image from Janet Ulliott via Fliker Creative Commons
  • WAIT image courtesy of Tom’s iPhone