Tom Lemanski's

Your Bridge to Discovery

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For visitors seeking an answer to the question…

How do you display posts in a dynamic table?

The plugin that I previously used for listing post in a table, SortTable Post, has not been supported by the author for years.  So I reluctantly moved on for site security reasons.  We are now using the Content Views Plugin to create a graphically enhanced, chronological view of all posts.If you simply want to add a chronological list of posts to a page, use this shortcode:
archivesinsert that word in this format  [xxxxxxx]  replacing x’s with the word
Here is an example page for this site’s posts.For a graphically enhanced, detailed post list, I now use the plugin Content Views. Use this Leadership Breakthroughs Archives link to see the result.Feel free to contact me if you find better options.  I will share suggestions on this page.


Upon graduating to Elementor Pro Page Builder, none of these plugins are needed as their Widgets for displaying posts provide extensive display options.Tom