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What is "Grit"?  Why is it Worth Pursuing?

We’ve all observed how some people pursue success more effectively than others.   Through the ages, researchers have shard theories about the right stuff needed to pursue success.

Angela Duckworth is a former management consultant turned 7th grade math teacher turned Ivy League college professor.  Her theory about the key to success is boiled down to one simple, four-letter word: grit. She has shared her theory with Ted.  Here is her six minute, thought-provoking video.

What is Grit?

Courage and resolve; strength of character.  Other synonyms include:

bravery, pluck, mettle, backbone, spirit, strength of character, strength of will, moral fiber, steel, nerve, fortitude, toughness, hardiness, resolve, resolution, determination, tenacity, perseverance, endurance; informal guts, spunk.


Grit Word Cloud


Tom’s Simple Synonym: Self Leadership

Gritty people possess a lasting determination to succeed. It’s all about self-leadership. What does that really mean? Let’s first get a handle on the definition of success.   Here’s the best one I’ve found.

Pursuing Grit


“SUCCESS is “the ongoing achievement of your predefined personal and professional goals, stabilized by balance and purified by your values and beliefs”.   * 

Grittiness is all about pursuing “ongoing achievement”.  It’s about gaining gaining clarity, then keeping your eye on the prize.

Vision without action is a daydream.  Action without vision is a nightmare. – Japanese Proverb

How Do You Get Grit?

Simply stated, you need to find the fire inside you and continue to fuel it.  That’s how you develop perseverance toward your long term goals.

From our sponsor…

Executive Coaching and Grit

I’m biased on this topic. I’ve utilized a robust leadership development process since 2001.  I’ve become a product of the process.  My clients who have engaged in this process will tell you that coaching can help you gain:

  • Goal clarity
  • Fuel to keep your fire burning.
  • An enhanced ability to discover and overcome your internal obstacles to achievement

Leader’s Challenge: Instilling Grit

If your team got grittier, what would it enable you to do that you can’t do now?

How do you help others develop this essential success attribute?

  1. You need to lead by example.
  2. You should work to assure that your followers to fortify the the three bullet items listed above.

Want Help Getting Grittier?

Is it worth a discussion?  I ready when you are.

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  • Thanks to subscriber, friend and genuinely gritty executive Eric Nystrom for sharing these resources.
  •  *  Success Definition quote from Trusted Advisors Network’s Leadership Development Process
  • Word Cloud Graphic created with Wordle

One Response

  1. Always good Tom!

    I wish I had lived in IL when Thompson was Gov.

    Many people I work with tell me I display a lot of Grit, due to the challenges I encountered and have come out swinging over the last 5 years. I’ll buy you coffee some day and tell you the story.

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