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What Do You Tolerate?


Why Would I be Asking This Question?

I was inspired by a colleague from Texas whose keynote speech included this quote from Tom Landry, the Hall of Fame Dallas Cowboys Football Coach.

“You get what you demand, you encourage what you tolerate”

I know this is a dated reference from the world of sports.  So, I ask that you let go of any negative judgments that might prevent you from applying this insight.  Then accept this simple challenge.

Coach Tom Landry

The Leadership Challenge

How might you apply this quote to enhance:

  • Your Self-Leadership?
  • Your Formal Leadership?

Let’s examine both.

Self Leadership

Take a moment and ask yourself:

  • What goals are so important to ME that I am unwilling to compromise?
  • What actions habits or behaviors are preventing ME from progressing with these goals? What have I tolerated?

Formal Leadership

Then take another moment and apply these questions professionally.

  • What goals are so important to our team or organization that WE are unwilling to compromise?
  • What actions habits or behaviors that we tolerate are preventing US from progressing with these goals?

Leadership Style Guidance

This does NOT mean you must adopt a highly commanding, autocratic leadership style. And, it does NOT mean you must be universally intolerant.  

Applying these concepts does require:

  • Clarity of Focus on what’s really important. 
  • Applying that focus to identify the counter-productive habits and behaviors that need to change. 

In the Jim Collins book Good To Great, we learn about the attributes of a Level Five Leader.  Two important attributes are:  Personal Will and Personal Humility. How

Another Attribute

One other important leadership attribute helps to apply getting what you demand while recognizing what’s getting in the way.  It’s discipline.  As you can develop better discipline both personally and organizationally, success will follow.  I somehow know that Tom Landry would have agreed.

More Football Coach Insight

As you consider what you’ve tolerated from your followers, here’s some related insight from another successful football coach.  It will get you thinking deeper about building and engaging your team.


Thanks to Mike Mirau of ProActive Leadership Group for inspiring this post.

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