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Start With Why: The Encore

Leaders-Eat-LastInvaluable Leadership Lessons

Regular readers know of my evangelism for “leadership biologist” Simon Sinek.  He’s the author of Start with Why and a passionate presenter.  His lessons in moving others are invaluable. Now there’s more.  To get his new message, you need to buy and read his new book Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’’t. Or, you can set aside 46 minutes and watch/listen to the the video below.

Leadership Biology 101

That’s what I’m calling Start With Why.  As Simon describes the function of the limbic brain, he passionately states:

“It’s NOT psychology.  It’s biology. “

Now there’s more.

Leadership Bio 201

Simon Sinek’s second act is the aforementioned Leaders Eat Last Video and book). He shares his insight into the biological effects on our behavior that result from the internally produced chemicals in our bodies.

Why Invest 46 Minutes Watching A One Man Monolog?

Like any good investment, you should expect a reasonable return.  While you may not have asked yourself the questions below, maybe you should.  If you to prefer seeing the movie over reading the book, the video will help you with that.

Simon SinekAnswering the Important Questions of Our Day

  • Why are we so easily addicted to our Smart Phones?
  • Why do 12-Step Programs work?
  • Why are true leaders made, not born?
  • What body chemicals are responsible?
  • Why is it important to write down your tangible goals?
  • Why are Gen-Ys really not better at mufti-tasking?
  • Why is email such an ineffective, yet overused form of communication?
  • Why are designer labels displayed on the outside of apparel?
  •  Why is shaking hands so important when sealing a deal?
Ready to invest?  I invite you to make an appointment with yourself to listen, learn and grow as a leader.

Summarizing What Simon Says about Formal Leadership

What is the REAL job of leaders in organizations?
  1. Determine who does and doesn’t get in?  (from Start With Why)
  2. How big is the circle of safety in your organization?
How can you do a better job at creating and fostering an environment where others around you feel safe from potential dangers outside of your circle?

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