The Essential Prerequisite for Successfully Leading Others
What’s Missing? Consider your leadership approach and the results your people achieve How strong is your team’s buy-in for your initiatives? What might be
As an executive coach, I have learned that leadership skill-sets and mindsets are never fully mastered. And as leaders, we never reach our full potential. We all face the challenge to engage others in our mutual goals. Gaining our followers’ buy-in and commitment is an ongoing challenge.
To address that challenge, I’ve created over 280 edu-tainment articles to help you purposefully pursue your potential as a leader: one breakthrough at a time.
The posts on Leadership Breakthroughs are designed to allow you to Awaken Awareness of what’s getting in your way to discover new ways to develop your Leadership potential.
Enjoy your journey!
What’s Missing? Consider your leadership approach and the results your people achieve How strong is your team’s buy-in for your initiatives? What might be
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth? I believe that Video Communication is “the next best thing to being there” in person. Better than a text, or an email or a phone call.
Why Would I be Asking This Question? I was inspired by a colleague from Texas whose keynote speech included this quote from Tom Landry,
Which Presidential Candidate is more coachable? Why is this important? What role will coachability play in the outcome of the election?
Have you ever woken up from a bizarre dream and wondered, “Where on earth did that come from?” Maybe you found yourself in a
Imagine if you pursued your personal success as methodically as a well organized business? If you had a written vision, mission, core values and specific (SMART) goals.
Quick Self Evaluation Consider your approach to writing and speaking. Now consider those who receive your communication. If you polled them, how would they
How can I get my people to do what I need them to do? As a leader, one of the most powerful tools available
In The Real World… “Conflict Resistance is futile.”
Like sweeping your debris under the rug, conflict avoidance only makes matters worse.
“Vision without Action is a Daydream. Action without vision is a Nightmare.” It’s a simple, easy-to-understand concept. Yet how often do we discover that either one of these critical success components are missing? Leading any meaningful initiative needs both vision and action.
What’s Missing? Consider your leadership approach and the results your people achieve How strong is your team’s buy-in for your initiatives? What might be missing
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth? I believe that Video Communication is “the next best thing to being there” in person. Better than a text, or an email or a phone call.
Why Would I be Asking This Question? I was inspired by a colleague from Texas whose keynote speech included this quote from Tom Landry, the
Which Presidential Candidate is more coachable? Why is this important? What role will coachability play in the outcome of the election?
Have you ever woken up from a bizarre dream and wondered, “Where on earth did that come from?” Maybe you found yourself in a completely
Imagine if you pursued your personal success as methodically as a well organized business? If you had a written vision, mission, core values and specific (SMART) goals.
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“Power today comes from sharing information, not from withholding it.'”
– Keith Ferrazzi
Do you have a leadership question for Tom Lemanski? Use this button to submit.