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TL Caricature

Personal Branding Decision: Tom’s LinkedIn Profile Image

I’ve been using a caricature to enhance my personal branding. Now that I’ve had years of fun with this, I’m wondering: “Is it too much of a fun thing?” Is it time to move on? I’d love if you could weigh in with your vote and/or comments.


Qualifying Your Executive Coach

Does it really make sense to buy a personalized professional service the same way you buy copy paper? It’s surprising how many don’t understand that an Executive Coaching engagement is NOT a transaction. It is a relationship.

360⁰ Survey

360 Surveys: Why and Why Not?

360⁰ Surveys can be a valuable tool for collecting and sharing constructive feedback for leaders. Like any tool, it needs to be used properly. With improper, misinformed use, you can defeat the purpose of the tool.

G2G Band Wagon

The Successor to Good To Great: Conscious Capitalism

Sometimes Good To Great’s compelling first line is true: “Good is the Enemy of Great”. Sometimes the reverse is true. In any case, I am hereby officially OFF the Good To Great bandwagon. I’ve found a new one. My ride was “good”. But there’s better.

School Bus

The Principal and The School Bus

Delegation Reluctance: There an old adage. If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.

As long as you believe this is true, it will be. It’s one of several common excuses for NOT delegating.


Your Magic Number

What is so special about 168? Until you are aware of the number’s significance, it’s nothing special. It can only have value for you when you understand the simple math behind it and what the components represent.

Corporate Ladder

Developing Your Leadership Maturity

What changes need to occur as managers advance from front line responsibilities to managing other managers to executive leadership to the C-Suite?

Beliefs Baracide

Blocked by Your Beliefs?

As long has you harbor your self limiting beliefs, they are self fulfilling prophesies. And you are blocking your advancement.


Leadership Lessons from The Chicago Cubs

Cub’s management is actually giving us some leadership lessons as they execute their turnaround from their long-time losing legacy. Is it possible that they are creating a textbook turnaround that will be studied for ages? OK, that sounds just like an over-optimistic Cub fan. But hear me out.

Colin Powell

When Silence is NOT Golden

Have your people suddenly stopped coming to you with their problems and challenges? Contrary to the old saying: Silence is NOT always Golden. According to Colin Powell, there are two possible reasons for this break in communication.

Declaration of Independence

What is Happiness Anyway?

“Happiness” was so important to pursue, it was one of our founding founders core principles for their new system of government. Happiness has been an “unalienable right” for 238 years. In that time, the idea has progressed from an iconic idea to a science.

Bad Business Behavior

Blindsided By Bad Business Behavior?

Sooner or later bad business behavior is going to get you. It happens to us all. And it happens without warning. Emotional outbursts triggered by anger, frustration, greed, or some other negative feeling.

Your success in these interactions will be determined by whether you choose to react or respond.

Distracted Listening

Distracted Listening – A Two Minute Solution

We now have laws prohibiting distracted driving. It’s proven to be dangerous and sometimes fatal. If you’re not using your phone while you’re behind the wheel, it still leaves ample opportunities to stay connected with the wireless world. Once you’ve conquered the demons of distracted driving, your next challenge is distracted listening. This occurs when you’re physically with another person but your attention and interests are elsewhere.

Right Action Puzzle

Getting It Right

Developmental Coaching: What’s “Right Action” all about? The Mutual Goal of Effective Coaching Every day is a new adventure. That’s a

Executive Suite Movie Cover

It’s A Wonderful Business

Most of us born after 1954 HAVE missed the film Executive Suite. It depicts an internal struggle for control of a furniture manufacturing company after the unexpected death of the company’s President. As with the Christmas classic It’s a Wonderful Life, the movie presents a powerful message about what should be really important when leading a business.


Leadership Biology 201

Why Invest 46 Minutes Watching A Video Monolog?

If it’s” Why Guy”, Simon Sinek, it’s a worthy investment. And with any good investment, you should expect a reasonable return. I guarantee you will find value in what Simon says in his new message: Leaders Eat Last.


Transparency: Your Path to Personal Power

We are now hearing the word “transparency” as an essential attribute of management style. Is it possible that transparent leaders have become one of the silent prerequisites for efficient organizations?


You Gotta Believe

In the words of Henry Ford: “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.”


Clarifying Coaching Confidentiality

Once upon a time there was a highly talented, high level executive with an advancement opportunity at his publicly traded company named “Bob”. Bob’s company had a pending vacancy in the CEO position. A member of the Board approached Bob and said:

“I believe that you should be a candidate for the CEO position. The company has hired an executive coach to help prepare you for this possibility.”

Smart Phone

Smart Phones, Dumb People

All the functionality we gain from our smart phones comes at a price. We used to talk about the weather. Now we just refer to our weather app. In some households, the best way to call the family to the dinner table is with a group text. In my immediate family of four, two of us have caused car crashes while using their phones. Has your family fared better or worse?

Executive Chair

Come In and Have a Seat in My Chair

We all know the concept of walking a mile in another person’s shoes. It’s about gaining another person’s unique perspective. As you seek to gain buy-in from others, it would be easier if they could walk a mile in your shoes. Since that’s an impractical figure-of-speech, here’s a short-cut tactic that can lead to similar perspective enhancement with those you lead.


The Starfish Story

Purpose is one of three critical components for personal drive. Any of us can get through life without a clear sense of purpose. If you’re willing to settle for just getting by is OK, read no further. Or, if you’d prefer to experience days with more meaning, fulfillment and perhaps, here’s some food for thought.

Road Ahead

Choosing The Road Less Traveled

In our daily travels, we all have fork-in-the-road moments. Some are large. Some small. We can go with the flow. Or, take a more challenging new route. How do you decide?

Magic Lantern

Your Magic Lantern Awaits

As we progress to adulthood, we abandon our dreams of finding a magic lamp and Genie. After all, pursuing impossible dreams is a futile activity. So we suppress our desire to dream. While it’s healthy to suppress our expectations for an all-serving and powerful Genie to appear. It’s not healthy to abandon our desire to dream and make wishes. Isn’t that really about abandoning hope?

Monkeys in Tree

More Fun than a Tree Full of Monkeys

“An organization is like a tree full of monkeys, all on different limbs at different levels. Some monkeys are climbing up, some down. The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. The monkeys on the bottom look up and see…”